
National Recovery Month Shines a Light on Recovery Success

holistic addiction treatment, Iowa's premier addiction recovery program

National Recovery Month is an annual awareness campaign that strives to address stigma, raise awareness, promote treatment and support services, and celebrate recovery success stories. By doing so, it contributes to a more compassionate and informed society that’s better equipped to address addiction and mental health challenges

More About National Recovery Month

Established in 1989 by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), National Recovery Month uses the tagline “Recovery is Real” to promote qualitative information to help reduce some of the disturbing statistics regarding alcohol use disorder (AUD), substance use disorder (SUD), and mental health conditions such as anxiety, bipolar disorders, and depression. 

According to SAMHSA

  • In the past year, about one in three adults had SUD or any mental illness (AMI), while 13 percent of young adults 18–25 had both SUD and AMI. 
  • Nearly 25 percent of people who believed they needed treatment for alcohol or illicit drug use said “they did not receive treatment at a specialty facility because they did not have health insurance coverage or could not afford the cost of treatment.”
  • Additionally, “more than 45 percent of adults with AMI and 54.5 percent of adults with a serious mental illness said they did not receive services because they could not afford the cost of care.”
  • Other treatment barriers shared by both groups included “not knowing where to go and believing they could handle the problem without treatment.”

SAMHSA indicates that primary goals of National Recovery Month every September are to “promote and support new evidence-based treatment and recovery practices, the nation’s strong and proud recovery community, and the dedication of service providers and communities who make recovery in all its forms possible.” So here’s the good news supporting “Recovery is Real”: 

  • The organization states that “7 in 10 adults who ever had a substance use problem considered themselves to be recovering or in recovery.”
  • Additionally, “2 in 3 adults who ever had a mental health issue considered themselves to be recovering or in recovery.”

So how does someone begin to get the necessary information that leads them to a healthier, happier life? A great place to start is SAMHSA’s Find Support resource portal. This collective guide outlines numerous agencies that can help individuals learn about numerous treatment options, how to pay for treatment, therapeutic techniques for supportive loved ones, and more. There’s also an extensive list of crisis lifelines to connect with someone who can provide various avenues of assistance right away.   

Find Hope in Others’ Recovery Stories

Another major component of National Recovery Month is sharing the wealth of recovery success stories that add to the motivation to seek quality SUD, AUD, and mental health treatment. Here are a couple notable achievements.   

David hurt his back in a workplace accident, and developed a dependence on prescription opioids. He went through a lot of trial and error not only healing from his initial injury but also taking cautionary steps to admit he had developed a substance use disorder. After qualitative treatment and unwavering support from his church fellowship, his sobriety support group, and his wife, his health has returned.  “Nothing’s been easy, but recovery is the best thing that happened to me,” he says.

Alysa, an Army veteran, struggled in civilian life after a long deployment. She started drinking to cope with her insomnia, anxiety, and depression. She was able to find help through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, which put her in touch with an inpatient treatment facility with a program that catered to the special needs of service personnel. After treatment, she reinforced her recovery through a local veteran support group. “I healed so much by connecting to people who could relate to what I went through.”

Although recovery is a solo journey, it’s not without critical guideposts of essential connection, comprehensive health care, and abundant resources along the way. But it’s up to you to break the chains of ill health and decide you deserve to create a future of wellness.

Find the Quality Care You Deserve at Ivory Plains

At Ivory Plains Recovery Center, we treat addiction as a brain disease. Our board-certified clinical team understands how mental health disorders, substance use disorder, and alcohol use disorder are co-occurring conditions for many people and require specialized, individual care.  Our addiction rehabilitation program in Adair, Iowa, is doctor-managed and supervised 24/7 by licensed nurses and support staff. Give us a call today to learn how we can help you rebuild hope and health in your life.

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