
What to Expect With Medical Detoxification for Addiction

What to Expect With Medical Detoxification,

When you realize it’s time to get treatment for a drug or alcohol problem, this is a brave decision. But it’s only natural to feel apprehension about the many unknowns. One common concern people have is what happens during detoxification. A medically managed detox program administered by credentialed addiction specialists makes the process safe, comfortable, and effective.  

Why Might Detoxification Be Necessary?

Dr. Nora Volkow, director of the National Institutes on Drug Abuse, refers to addiction as “a chronic, treatable medical condition.” However, as brain diseases, substance use disorder (SUD) and alcohol use disorder (AUD) affect every individual in different ways, so not everyone requires the same type of detoxification. 

There’s no question that SUD and AUD change not only brain chemistry but also a person’s physiology. Stopping suddenly or without proper supervision is probably the worst action someone can take when they’re ready to be healthy. The mind and body are too reliant on the artificial effects produced by the chemicals. 

Think of how a car reacts when brakes are applied with a quick and forceful motion. It might slow down or even stop, but not without severe jolting and systems locking up. Your biological system needs a gradual, controlled release from toxicity to recover. It may take only a few hours after not using drugs or alcohol for someone to experience severe or even life-threatening withdrawal symptoms. There’s no reason to suffer through this.

Other factors to consider include: 

  • Compromises to neurotransmitter function, which in turn prohibits proper cognitive ability and behavioral responses and feeds the compulsion to use illicit substances. 
  • Imbalances in or damage to the autonomic nervous system, which regulates numerous processes in the body, including breathing and heart rate; control over digestion, waste elimination, circulation, and pain response; and production of important fluids. 
  • An increased risk of heart attack, liver failure, pancreatitis, respiratory arrest, or stroke. 
  • A greater chance of organ damage, hemorrhagic stroke, coronary heart disease, obesity, and cancer, especially for women.  

Additionally, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) states that “patients entering detoxification are undergoing profound personal and medical crisis. Withdrawal itself can cause or exacerbate current emotional, psychological, or mental problems. The detoxification staff needs to be equipped to identify and address potential problems.” So a medically managed detoxification process addresses all aspects of immediate physical health needs as well as helps stabilize your ability to progress through addiction treatment

Keep in mind that many people who enter substance use disorder treatment will experience a transition phase but may not require a complete detoxification protocol before beginning active therapy in an AUD or SUD program. However, a monitored program detox may be the best option for those who:

  • Are currently intoxicated or who are already in withdrawal.
  • Have cognitive or emotional impairment and need a period of stabilization and emotional preparation before beginning recovery treatment.

In the majority of cases, it’s not recommended to try detoxing at home

What to Expect With an Addiction Detox

Understandably, the difficulties of physical withdrawal are top-of-mind with many people considering treatment. Pop culture is riddled with terrifying stories about what a person may go through purging chemicals from his or her system. However, what happens during a medically-guided detox, while initially uncomfortable, doesn’t have to be frightening when you know what to expect. 

The discomfort you may feel while going through physical detoxification depends on three factors:

You may or may not experience the following during detox: 

  • Anxiety or depression
  • Body aches, headaches, and fever
  • Delirium tremens, often referred to as DTs, that often cause confusion
  • Hallucinations or paranoia
  • Increased appetite
  • Moodiness and irritability
  • Muscle spasms or shakiness
  • Persistent nausea and vomiting
  • Wakefulness and/or fatigue
  • Welts, acne, or rashes

A medically-managed detoxification process, like what we offer at Ivory Plains Recovery Center, means you’ll have doctors and nurses supervising your experience, and perhaps advising a medication protocol to help alleviate symptoms. These professionals may also help with other health complications. Proper nutrition and hydration are critical components to the process as well. 

Once your body feels better, and you’re not experiencing intense cravings, you’ll begin the next phase of healing: emotional and mental stabilization. For true recovery, it’s critical to determine the root causes contributing to addiction, and find healthy ways to maintain your sobriety. 

Detoxification varies for each person. Some people discover they feel better after two or three days. Other people may need up to three weeks for their bodies to eliminate toxins and return to a general state of ease. However, it’s important to note that the greater the intensity of substance abuse, the longer it takes to detoxify. Initial inpatient treatment may effectively start the process. But if someone’s substance misuse included extreme alcoholism or the use of narcotics, it could take up to two years to stop experiencing withdrawal symptoms.  

This is nothing to be ashamed of—you simply have to prepare for a different health journey and continue to uncover new layers of resiliency. Use the tools of your care plan, along with exercise, a clean diet, and a strong support system, to help your progress. Remember: this is your plan for life. Each step forward you take matters.  

Begin Healing at Ivory Plains

You have nothing to fear about detoxification: just remember it might be the first step in your eventual healing. At our addiction rehabilitation program in Adair, Iowa, our board-certified professionals provide both medically managed detoxification and partial hospitalization programs to help you or a loved one build an immediate health foundation that supports more effective treatment. Talk to a member of our admissions team to learn more.

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